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  • Kostenloser Haarschnitt für Obdachlose - Kampagne: Helfen ohne dafür etwas zu verlangen

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Kostenloser Haarschnitt für Obdachlose - Kampagne: Helfen ohne dafür etwas zu verlangen


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Der Friseur Joshua Coombes hat einen riesigen Salon. Es sind die Straßen von London, wo der junge Mann abends nach seinem regulären Job obdachlosen Menschen kostenlos die Haare schneidet. Er möchte ihnen so ein Stück Würde und Wohlbefinden geben. Hier zeigen wir schöne Bilder und Erfahrungen, die er dabei sammelt.
Zusammen mit Freunden kreierte Joshua eine Kampagne mit dem Hashtag #DoSomethingforNothing. Damit möchte er Menschen Mut machen, anderen in irgendeiner ihnen möglichen Weise zu helfen, ohne dafür etwas zu verlangen oder zu bekommen. Seit einigen Jahren postet er regelmäßig Bilder und Videos mit schönen Geschichten auf seinem Instagram-Account, dem mittlerweile 179.000 Menschen folgen.
Hier nun einige schöne Bilder mit Geschichten zu den Personen:
Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an

This is David. We saw each other again last week. It’s the third time I’ve cut his hair. I guess it’s fair to say that I’m his hairdresser and he’s one of my regulars. But, as you know, this has always been about much more than that... When our paths first crossed over a year ago at his spot near London Bridge station, we had an immediate connection. Despite sleeping out on the street for the last two years, (I say that so often I have to remind myself what just a few nights on the concrete would feel like...) David seems to have a way of retaining who he is. His smile is infectious. He considers it the most valuable thing he has. . “When I wake up, at about 5:45 in the morning, I sit by the station. I always make sure I say good morning and smile at people as they’re on their way to work. Because, we can be so sad sometimes...I really see it. We’re all walking around with troubles and I think a smile can make you forget them for a moment... Like, this lady smiled at me this morning and it instantly put a smile on my face also. Then there was this one fella, we see each other every morning, who stopped the other day and said - ‘You know what David? You make it a pleasure going to work, I genuinely look forward to walking past here in the morning.’ - At first I thought it wouldn’t make a difference, but then I see people’s reactions and it’s real... I have some people say to me - ‘David, you’re the only person who says good morning to me...’ which is mad isn’t it..? I know a smile makes a difference because I’ve seen it for myself now. I’ve seen people as they turn the corner, look around and then smile back... That’s really nice.” . David and I talk a lot on the phone and touch base whenever we can. The last five years have been a rollercoaster for him. If you want to find more about his story, scroll down in my feed a while. @gotvitaminc painted David last year for our @lightnoiseart show in London and we’re selling the painting, with all proceeds going directly to David. Scroll right and DM me if you’re interested. Thanks for your constant love and support. People like David are as important to me as anybody else. #DoSomethingForNothing

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes) am

Hier ist ein schönes Video von Joshua:
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